Strike The Tent...
Today in Civil War History
1864 - Battle of Jenkin's Ferry, Arkansas
Today in Civil War History
1862 - Union captures New Orleans
Today in Civil War History
1810 - Daniel Ullmann born
Happy Birthday, Sam
1822 - Ulysses Grant is born in Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio
Today in Civil War History

1865 -
Sultana DisasterStill the largest maritime disaster in U. S. History...
Resident Proposes Program to Preserve City Civil War Monument

Craig A. Chicoine presented his "
Adopt-A-Monument" program to the North Adams (MA) City Council on Tuesday night during the open forum portion of the meeting. His program would allow a "single group or company to adopt the monument by agreeing to underwrite its conservation and maintenance." He also asked for the creation of a Monument Square Conservation Commission and the establishment of a fund to be used to conserve the statue as well as to promote it.
Today in Civil War History
1865 - Death of John Wilkes Booth
New Link(s)
I have established a link to Cornell University's "
Making of America" Journal Collection, in particular to "
The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies" which was published by the U.S. Government in 1880.
The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, the Official Records are compiled in 127 volumes, plus a General Index and accompanying Atlas. Editor Robert N. Scott divided the OR into four major topical areas:
Series I contains 53 volumes (Books 1-111) and focuses on military operations. These include the battle reports for both Union and Confederate armies, arranged chronologically by campaign and theater of operations. Union reports are followed by Confederate accounts. The intent is to provide a complete history of the event in the same volume.
Series II contains 8 volumes and 8 books, and includes Union and Confederate correspondence, orders, reports, and returns relating to Prisoners of War, as well as political prisoners.
Series III contains 5 volumes and 5 books, and includes "miscellaneous" Union correspondence, orders, and reports pertaining to the organization and logistics of the Union war effort. Series III also includes calls for troops, correspondence between National and State authorities, and correspondence between Union and Confederate authorities.
Series IV contains 3 volumes and 3 books, and includes "miscellaneous" correspondence, orders, and reports of the Confederacy. Also found in Series IV are the General and Special Orders of the Confederate States Army, as well as correspondence relating to conscription and blockage running.
A word of caution must be made here about the value and limitations of the Official Records. As primary source material, the Official Records are, without question, the most complete and impartial documentation on the American Civil War. They provide a foundation for serious research into virtually any aspect of the war. On the other hand, no study of the American Civil War should rely exclusively on the Official Records. The accounts contained in the OR were not edited for accuracy, and due to space considerations, only excerpts of reports were often included. Researchers should thus verify the information found in these reports with other source material to gain as complete a picture of events as possible.
I've Been Linked!
George Mason University's "
History News Network" has its own Blog, called "Cliopatria," where Strike the Tent has been added to their Blogroll under "Wars and Warriors." Blogger "Fortypounder" has added Strike the Tent to his blog, "
Cromwell's Warts," perhaps the best blog name I have heard so far. I, in turn, have added links to them also.
P.S. I have also added a link to
The American Civil War Blog, a new blog by screenwriter, teacher, and journalist Chris Wehner. Welcome aboard!
Today in Civil War History
1864 - Battle of Mark's Mills, Arkansas
Confederate Memorial Day

Confederate Memorial Day, also known as Confederate Decoration Day (Tennessee) and Confederate Heroes Day (Texas), is a holiday in parts of the United States. It is recognized by several states of U.S. South as a day to honor those who died defending the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.
Mississippi - Last Monday in April (TODAY)
Alabama - Fourth Monday in April (TODAY)
Florida - April 26 (WEDNESDAY)
Georgia - April 26 (WEDNESDAY)
North Carolina - May 10
South Carolina - May 10
Kentucky - June 3
Louisiana - June 3
Tennessee - June 3
Texas - January 19
Virginia - Last Monday in May (same as Memorial Day)
POEM FOR CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAYHow many springs have gone since they
Who wore the uniform of gray
Last looked upon summer snow of dogwood, blooming below
Their southern skies and friendly sun,
Or watched the winding rivers run
Or knew when spring wind's gentle hand
Stretched forth to heal their wounded land.
They sleep where the azaleas spread
Their glorious colors, where the red old hills
And mountain peaks
Stand listening while nature speaks.
And from the woodlands sound the strains
Of memories; where coastal plains
Run down to join the ceaseless tide
Ebbing and flowing as they died.
Let us remember them as time
And tide move on in endless rhyme.
When spring is wearing her bouquet
For the lost legions of the gray.
While bud and blossom, hill and tree
Remember them, so shall we.
Oliver Reeves
Today in Civil War History
1863 - General Orders No. 100 issued
History 320-02 Topics in History: The Civil WarProfessor: Dr. Frances Jones-Sneed Ph.DOffice: 72 Porter StreetOffice Hours: Tu & Th 11:00am-12noon We 1:00pm-2:00pmOr by appointmentPhone: 413-662-5541Email: jonessneed@yahoo.comCourse Description:The American Civil War was one of the most important events in United States history; some have even referred to it as the Second American Revolution. This course will discuss the development of Southern and Northern society, how their differences led to the worst war in American history, the course and impact of the war, and the different attempts to reestablish the country after the fighting. This course examines the causes, character, and consequences of that great American tragedy, the Civil War. We will consider the failure of antebellum political mechanisms, the growth of sectionalism, justifications for and against secession, the methods and implications of war, competing constitutional systems during the conflict, efforts to eradicate Southern separatism and the lingering cultural implications of the nation’s fratricidal dispute.Goals and Objectives:- To develop intellectual interests and analytical skills acquired by students in the first two years;
- To offer the opportunity to study previously unfamiliar methodological approaches, chronological periods and geographical area by offering a wide and flexible choice of option;
- To offer the opportunity to develop skills in historical computing, as well as basic IT awareness;
- To introduce complex historical debates and interpretations, to develop skills in interpreting primary sources where appropriate, and to inform the discussions with new ideas derived from lecturers’ current research;
- To encourage the development of transferable skills by fostering individual initiative, personal choice, group discussions, and, where appropriate, problem-solving.
Course Requirements:Discussion and dissection of assigned readings will serve as the center for class meetings, so preparation, attendance, and participation in discussion is mandatory. Although there will be occasional presentations or lectures, we will usually conduct the class much like a seminar, wherein discussion and dialogue rather than monologue and lecturing characterize the class. Student participation in discussion is REQUIRED and will figure as 10 percent of each student’s final grade. Independent thinking is highly encouraged as long as it is informed thinking – that is, thinking informed by credible sources (your readings, for instance) – but especially as long as diplomacy, respect, and tact govern its sharing and expression. Because the emphasis in this class is on collaborative learning and discussion, attendance is mandatory and will count as a significant portion of the class participation grade. Each student will be required to do two class presentations that include a 3-5 page summary of the day’s reading assignment, keep a daily journal (1-2 pages) in reaction to the readings, do film summaries and their connection to primary and secondary sources, and a final project to be approved by the instructor.Required Texts: Donald, David Herbert , Baker Jean Harvey, and Holt Michael F. The Civil War and Reconstruction. 1st ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2001.Gienapp, William E. The Civil War and Reconstruction: A Documentary Collection. 1st ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2001.Toplin, Robert Brent, ed. Ken Burn's The Civil War: Historians Respond. 1sy ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.Schedule of Readings1/19 Introduction to the Course1/24 Donald, Chapters 1-31/26 Donald, Chapters 4-5 Gienapp, pp. 1-701/31 Donald, Chapters 6-7 Gienapp, pp. 71-822/2 Donald, Chapters 8-9 Gienapp, pp. 83-1142/7 Donald, Chapters 10-11 Gienapp, pp. 115-1302/9 Donald, Chapters 12-13 Gienapp, pp. 131-1462/14 Donald, Chapters 14-15 Gienapp, pp. 147-1642/16 Test # 1: Take Home (Please E-mail)2/21 Donald, Chapters 16-17 Gienapp, pp. 165-178 2/23 Donald, Chapters 18-19 Gienapp, pp. 179-2182/28 Donald, Chapters 20-21 Gienapp, pp. 219-2483/2 Donald, Chapters 22-23 Gienapp, pp. 293-3163/7 Donald, Chapters 24-25 Gienapp, pp. 377-418SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK3/21 Test # 2: Take Home (Please E-mail)3/23 Toplin, Chapter 1, Burns’ Civil War3/28 Toplin, Chapter 23/30 Toplin, Chapter 34/4 Toplin, Chapter 44/6 Toplin, Chapter 54/11 Toplin, Chapter 64/13 Toplin, Chapter 74/18 Toplin, Chapter 8 & Test # 3: Take Home (Please E-mail) "You came into class with a predisposition on the Civil War. What will you take away from the books, movie, and class discussions to show your growth in the topic...both educationally and personally?" Also, 250-500 word letter to Mr. Ken Burns in response to seeing The Civil War and reading Historians Respond4/20 CLASS CANCELLED4/25 Toplin, Chapter 94/27 Final Projects: Tracy, Ivy, Emily, Andy.5/2 Final Projects: Robert, James, Pat, Nate.
Shaara's New Book Due Tuesday
Jeff Shaara's Civil War Battlefields : Discovering America's Hallowed GroundShaara is the author of two "nonfiction novels" that completed the Civil War trilogy begun by his late father, Michael, with the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Killer Angels (2001). Here Shaara provides a guide to 10 of the most significant Civil War battlefields. He begins with the first great bloodletting at Shiloh, and he concludes with Petersburg, a sustained seige with World War I-style trench warfare. Shaara superbly provides context for the actual battles by describing the physical settings as well as the military environment that precipitated the battles. Shaara is at his best, however, in describing the ebb and flow of the fighting. He describes in vivid--and often necessarily gruesome--detail episodes like the death of Albert Johnston at Shiloh, the famed charge of the 20th Maine at Gettysburg, and the machinelike mowing down of Union troops at Cold Harbor. The text is amply supported by maps and photos. This is an informative and moving examination of "hallowed ground" that will appeal to both scholars and Civil War buffs, especially those planning to visit these sites. Jay Freeman
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reservedOther upcoming or recently released books: Manhunt : The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's KillerLincoln's Melancholy : How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His GreatnessThe Southern Journey of a Civil War Marine : The Illustrated Note-Book of Henry O. GusleyWith Lincoln in the White House: Letters, Memoranda And Other Writings Of John G. Nicolay, 1860-1865 Lincoln Mailbag: America Writes to the President, 1861-1865An Oral History of Abraham Lincoln: John G. Nicolay's Interviews And EssaysDear Mr. Lincoln: Letters to the PresidentFor Cause & For Country
Vermonters Proved Mettle in Battle of Wilderness
The Battle of the Wilderness, fought near Frederickburg, Va., was one of the bloodiest in the Civil War, but it provided an opportunity for
Vermonters to show their mettle.
(Bennington Banner)
Today in Civil War History
1864 - Battle of Poison Springs, Arkansas
More Documents
Today in Civil War History
1863 - Steight's Raid begins
Opinions / Writings Needed
"Strike The Tent..." is still soliciting (close to begging) historians and/or college professors to give their honest opinion about this blog. I am also looking for contributors to add stories, writings, opinions, and discussion to the blog. If you are interested. please email me at Thanks...
Historic Documents
These are some of the papers we have of my Great-great Grandfather, Lewis (Louis) Erdman from his service with the 5th New York Cavalry.

Today in Civil War History
1863 - Passage of Vicksburg
I Report. You Decide
Did Alabama Governor Bob Riley(R) give false information, stating the Civil War was fought over slavery, and subsequently insult the memory of the approximately 122,00 Alabamians who fought in the Civil War in his
proclaimation naming April as Confederate History and Heritage Month in the State of Alabama? Did he need to include the apology for slavery? And what about this
letter writer? Are they wrong in stating that the Civil War was started over Lincoln's taxation policy?
What about this
gem I found while surfing? Agree or disagree?
Help me out here, folks....
Reverend Samuel Harrison

I attended a celebration today of the 188th birthday of Reverend Samuel Harrison, born a slave, who was one of the pioneering equal rights advocates for African Americans in the United States. Reverend Harrison was appointed by Massachusetts governor John Andrew to be Chaplain of the famed "54th" Massachusetts Infantry, the subject of the movie "Glory." The
Samuel Harrison Society is currently working on raising matching funds to repair and renovate the
home of Reverend Harrison in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, about a 20 minute ride from here. Interestingly, Dept. Of Massachusetts SUVCW Councilor
Stephen Twining sits on the Society's Board of Directors. Their Mission Statement reads:
"It is the mission of the Samuel Harrison to restore and preserve Reverend Harrison's homestead; and use it as a place to teach the values embodied by his noble life, his enduring beliefs, his extraordinary writings; and to define a chapter in the story of us as a people by providing greater insight into African-American history." In January of 2005, Pittsfield was the site of the world premiere of a documentary about Reverend Harrison. In July of that same year, Congressman John Olver (D-MA) announced a $250,000 federal matching grant for restoration of his longtime house into an
African American museum and history center. But, as you know with any matching grant, you can't spend a dime unless you match that dime. And they need 2.5 million dimes. Harrison was also the first African American student at
Western Reserve Academy. If you would like to make a donation to help preserve Reverend Harrison's house, you can send it to:
Samuel Harrison Society
P.O. Box 378
Pittsfield, MA 01202
Let them know you heard about the efforts here.
How To Site Blogs
I found this useful post on Dimitri Rotov's blog "Civil War Bookshelf" and brazenly borrow it to post here to help the rest of my classmates who have had the exact same question recently:
"Here's the Chicago Style that book publishers prefer:
1. Joseph Pellegrino, "Homepage," 12 May 1999,
(12 June 1999).
They break it down this way:
Author's name
Title of document, in quotation marks
Title of complete work (if relevant), in italics or underlined
Date of publication or last revision
URL, in angle brackets
Date of access, in parentheses
That covers the bases, I think.
Unfortunately, web sites being as emphemeral as they are, you could be left holding onto a citation as worthless as "McClellan's letters to his wife" after a few years.
One key reason to use Blogger is that being a free service, the site will survive my death or disinterest for some time. Additionally, it is indexed and, I hope saved to a Google backup somewhere that can be retrieved in the future if needed."
I apoligize, Dimitri, for the brazen borrowing.
1. Dimitri Rotov "Internet citations" Civil War Bookshelf
7 April 2006, (9 April 2006) 9:27pm
Today in Civil War History
1865 - President Lincoln dies
Another Reference Link
Fields of Conflict - The American Civil War website is a work in progress. New URLs are constantly being added. It seems like it will be a welcome addition to Civil War Research. As always, a permanent link has been added in the right column.
Following the Maryland Campaign with Maps
AotW is in the process of preparing a sequence of detailed maps on the
Battle of Antietam, one for each day of the Campaign from September 4th through 20th. These will show more detail within the area of the box on the large area map here. Click on the boxed area to begin with the map for 4 September, or click on a date on the calendar to jump to that day. The available days' maps are also listed below this overview map. Good job. These are very good maps.
Today in Civil War History
1865 - Lincoln is shot
Civil War Letter: April 4, 1864
You want to know how I am situated, well about five miles to the east of Richmond, in dry weather a very good camp in wet very good rice field. The water is now four inches deep in my tent, not quite up to my pine pole bed but expect it will reach it before night - as it is rising very fast, that don't bother us at all as we have learned to sleep with only our heads out of water and might forget where we were if it were not for traveling barefoot in the snow or sleeping in a mud hole occasionally. We can't complain though the winter has been mild and wood plentiful. ~ John Kerr Beaton, in a letter to his sister. Beaton would be killed in action just a month later.
Today in Civil War History
1861 - Fort Sumter surrenders
Today in Civil War History
1861 -
Fort Sumter fired upon.
Today in Civil War History
1862 - Fall of Fort Pulaski, Georgia
Today in Civil War History
1865 - Lee's last orders
Today in Civil War History
1865 - Lee surrenders
Today in Civil War History
1864 -
Battle of Mansfield, Louisiana
Historic Document

The Gilder Lehrman Institute regularly features documents from the institutes' Collection. This week's document was written on the morning of April 9, 1865. In it, Robert E. Lee conceded defeat in a mere sentence sent to Ulysses S. Grant. He requests "a suspension of hostilities pending the discussion of the terms of surrender." An endorsement by General Edward O.C. Ord on the lower fold, made at 11:55 AM, indicates that the letter was read and acted upon.
Here's a direct link to the posting:
Today in Civil War History
1862 -
Battle of Shiloh concludes
Winter, 1864 (2003)
Today in Civil War History
1862 - Siege of Yorktown begins
GettysBLOG: 121: “Gettysburg Sold to LeVan for $1 Million”
GettysBLOG: 121: “Gettysburg Sold to LeVan for $1 Million”
Gettysburg Council Votes To Support Casino

Gettysburg's borough council voted Monday to support a proposed slot-machine gambling parlor near the historic
Civil War battlefield in exchange for a $1 million-per-year revenue guarantee. Outrageous. Selling a town for a million bucks per. This is a political farce.
Today in Civil War History
1865 - Lincoln in Richmond
Today in Civil War History
1865 - Richmond captured
My Great Great Grandfather

Private Lewis Erdman, Chief Bugler, 5th New York Volunteer Cavalry. Enlisted October 21, 1862, Albany New York. Died Andersonville Prison July 18, 1864 from Dysentary.
Recent Additions
Some recent additions I have added to the links at right include Brett Schulte's "
American Civil War Gaming & Reading Blog," Tom Steenhuysen's "
Ft. Sumter & Civil War Resources," Novus Livy's "
History of the World Blog," and "
Yankee Muse." Visit these sites, and expand your mind...
Slaves Unearthed in Portsmouth, NH
Archaeologists have identified 13 sets of remains, and have removed eight that were damaged by sewer runoff, of some of the earliest African American residents of Portsmouth, N.H. Some of the coffins were stacked, leading researchers to estimate that as many as 200 bodies could be buried in the block-long space on Chestnut Street.
Cannon Nightfire
Today in Civil War History
1865 - Battle of Five Forks