Lots of Additions
I made numerous additions to the Blogroll, Interesting Link, and Publisher sections on the menu to the right. Added to my links were (Blogs) A House Divided, Civil War Librarian, Civil War Medicine (and Writing), Confederate Book Review, To the Sound of the Guns, Chickamauga Blog, Crossed Sabers, Gettysburg Daily, History Matters, Draw the Sword (and Throw Away the Scabbard), Michigan Civil War Blog, Charge! Civil War Wargaming, Shenandoah 1864, South From the North Woods, Teaching the Civil War with Technology, The 48th Pennsylvania Infantry, The 7th Rhode Island Volunteers, Army of Tennessee, Battlrfield Wanderings, Cenantua's Blog, Civil War Memory, North Carolina and the Civil War, Wig-Wags and Today at Brandy Station. Added to the Publishers section was Savas Beatie LLC. Added to the Interesting Links section were Past in the Present and On Marketing (Sarah Keeney, Savas Beatie. Added to the Recommended Reads section were The Maryland Campaign of 1862 and Valley Thunder:The Battle of New Market.